You are hereNew Website for Pro Se: Ohio Legal Help
New Website for Pro Se: Ohio Legal Help
Supreme Court Helps Launch Website to Offer Free Legal Resources for Ohioans

A new website is helping Ohioans get access to free legal materials.
A new website is available to help Ohioans access the civil justice system from the tips of their fingers.
Ohio Legal Help offers free information on common legal issues, court details, legal forms, and attorney referrals.
It was created by the Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation (OLAF), the Ohio State Bar Association, the Ohio Library Council, and other statewide shareholders. The Ohio Supreme Court sponsors OLAF.
Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor has been a leader in ensuring this website is available to the citizens who need it.
“The Supreme Court’s Task Force on Access to Justice recommended in 2015 that Ohio develop a statewide website that provides free and accurate legal information and standardized forms,” Chief Justice O’Connor said. “Ohio Legal Help is that website and will increase access to justice for all Ohioans.”
Launching the website took significant research and time. A steering committee put out a “Voice of Consumer” survey to gauge the need. As a result, 800 Ohioans responded. Sixty-one percent said they needed more legal education and 68 percent strongly supported a legal access portal website.
Ohio Legal Help is expected to attract more than 300,000 users in its first year. Ohioans can visit the site at